Running Time:
90 min
Release Date:
March 2018
Recording Location:
Small unnamed stream near Tikarpada village, Satkosia forest, Orissa, eastern India.
If you like this album,
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Tikarpada - An Indian Forest Stream
A light morning mist hangs in the air, as a stream winds its way through an Indian lowland forest.
From the surrounding gallery forest, birdsong - including parakeets, orioles, barbets, whiteyes, bulbuls, babblers and doves - drifts over the sound of gently gurgling water.
This is a single unedited recording, placing you on the banks of the stream in the midst of the forest.
Andrew comments:
"If you have read my story about the making of our 'Indian Jungle Dawn' album, this recording was made the morning we were unable to go to our preferred location. At the time, I was disappointed and frustrated, thinking we'd missed out on a better opportunity. But on listening back afterward, the location we ended up was perfect.
"This really is a lovely recording, with a nice balance of birdsong and the flowing of water."
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