Running Time:

75 min

Release Date:

August 2008

Recording Location:

Listed with field notes, link below

Frogs, Frogs, Frogs!

Frogs - the masters of natural rhythm!

Actually, frogs are the opposite; they don't call on the beat, but a-synchronously, into the silences between each other in a complex chorusing behaviour. The result is those hypnotic and pulsing waves of frog song we know and love.

This album presents a collection of talented amphibians from around Australia. Beginning with a multi-species chorus grounded by the baritone 'Plunk!'s of Pobblebonks (Banjo Frogs), we move around the country in search of nocturnal amphibian cacophonies. We hear green tree frogs in tropical rainforest, concertos in celebration of summer rains, wetland soundscapes, dry country burrowing frogs, and poly-textural choruses emanating from bush waterholes. Singing frogs, whistling frogs, croaking, laughing and clicking frogs... they're all here in wonderful, noisy abandon.

A soothing and fascinating album to delight the frog-ophile in you.


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