The far southeast corner of mainland Australia, known as East Gippsland, is a region of mountain eucalypt forests, lowland dry scleraphyl woodlands, coastal heaths and, in sheltered locations, pockets of temperate rainforest. It is to one of these pockets that this recording takes us.
The tanin-stained waters of an esturine creek flow silently, almost imperceptibly, soon to join the lower reaches of the Wallagaraugh River. Its banks are lined with a gallery forest of tall euclypts and dense shrubby understory.
In the predawn darkness, a Yellow-bellied Glider calls while parachuting among the treetops, a Sooty Owl gives a distinctive cry, a Koala grunts distantly and the first birdsong is heard. As the dawn chorus gathers pace, Yellow Robins, Golden Whistlers, Honeyeaters, Kookaburras, Wonga Pigeons, Fantails and Whipbirds join in.
After the chorus ebbs, we hear the delicate song of Rose Robins, the tinkling of Bell Miners, Lyrebirds, King Parrots, Spinebills, Lewin Honeyeaters and Currawongs, while Bassian Thrushes give high-frequency trills while foraging among the leaf litter close by.
It really is a spectacular palette of bird sounds. This continuous recording ends with the sharp, piping calls of a tiny Azure Kingfisher and it flies like an irridescent arrow up the waterway.