Listening Earth - Free nature soundscape player

Listen now - free nature sounds and wild soundscapes recorded by Andrew Skeoch - birdsong, ocean surf, rain, forest, night sounds - ideal for relaxation, sleep, study or to feel the ambience of nature. Mp3 stream or download flac hi-res audio.

Tikarpada - An Indian Forest Stream

A light morning mist hangs in the air, as a stream winds its way through an Indian lowland forest.

From the surrounding gallery forest, birdsong - including parakeets, orioles, barbets, whiteyes, bulbuls, babblers and doves - drifts over the sound of gently gurgling water.

This is a single unedited recording, placing you on the banks of the stream in the midst of the forest.

Andrew comments:

Conservation notes:

Purchase and download this album for the finest audio quality, the convenience of offline listening, and adding to your music library.

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