Listening Earth - Free nature soundscape player

Listen now - free nature sounds and wild soundscapes recorded by Andrew Skeoch - birdsong, ocean surf, rain, forest, night sounds - ideal for relaxation, sleep, study or to feel the ambience of nature. Mp3 stream or download flac hi-res audio.

The Sacred Forests of India - Kotagarh

Jungle owlets are heard in the darkness before dawn at Kotagarh forest, their calls segueing into the first song of a drongo. With first light we move deeper into the forest, where dew falls onto dry leaf litter as the day's birdsong begins.

Later in the morning, the forest's birdlife, including orioles, parakeets, scimitar babblers, barbets, flowerpeckers and tiny prinias call as they go about their activities, their voices drifting among the trees.

This album is comprised of three sequences; predawn and dawn recordings setting the scene for a longer morning birdsong ambience.

Andrew comments:

Listening notes:

Conservation notes:

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