The still waters of a small lake in the Adirondack mountains of northeastern United States reflect the first glimmers of the approaching dawn. The treeline and low hills beyond stand out against the paling sky.
Bullfrogs and Peepers have been calling almost continually throughout the night. Now this amphibian chorus subsides as the light grows. As we listen from the lake edge, the air begins to shimmer with the delicate sounds of passerine birdsong. It emanates from nearby forest and drifts across from the far shores - White-throated Sparrows, Warblers, Olive-sided Flycatcher and Wrens. Hermit Thrushes give querulous calls, between bouts of sublime song. A coyote calls distantly, and later deer barks echo across the lake.
On this recording you can hear the scale of the landscape, as frog calls define the lake edge and birdsong echoes from the treeline. This album takes us into a still morning of listening, as sunlight slants through drifts of steam rising from the waters.