Travel Easy

When you think about it, commuting at speed and/or at altitude is not the most natural thing to do. We're built for walking, not whooshing. Our minds may be excited by it, but our animal bodies often have a hard time on long journeys; immobility, persistent noise levels, jetlag…

Listening to nature can keep your senses grounded and at normal pace. Programming sounds corresponding to particular times of day may even help your body feel less jet lagged. If you're one of those folks susceptible to travel anxiety, nature can at least put your senses somewhere restful.

And its not just the long journeys... Commuting is a great opportunity to get your daily dose of nature. Slip on your headphones, and you are off to work along a rainforest path.

This selection of recordings are sonically rich enough to be listened to in otherwise noisy circumstances, and have a positive, uplifting atmosphere.

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Spirit of the Outback

Discover the magic of the living outback. This album contains some of our most evocative recordings.

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Tall Forest

A day in Australia's cool mountain forests - glorious morning birdsong through to the secret nocturnal sounds of owls and possums.

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Rockpool Reflections

This is our only music album, an early recording featuring Andrew playing his own compositions on lute, with birdsong soundscapes from the outback.

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