Running Time:
79 min
Release Date:
April 2012
Recording Location:
Kazdagi Milli Parki (Kaz Mountains National Park), North-western Turkey
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The First Week of Spring
Birdsong tentatively greets the change of seasons, as spring finally arrives after a long European winter.
In woodlands budding with new foliage, the delicate voices of Robin, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Wren, Chaffinch, Nuthatch, Woodpecker, Tits, and an early-calling Cuckoo echo among the trees. Nearby a snowmelt-fed stream tumbles down the hillside.
This is a joyful album of birdsong heralding the new season.
Andrew comments:
"This recording was made during the first week of April. The snow had only melted a few weeks previously, and the air was still very cold.
It was made in one session, with no editing, so you hear it as it happened. Even though the birds here are mostly common species, they sing beautifully. It was a sunny morning, and they were loving it!"
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