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To access your account please login using your email address and password.

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Creating an account will allow you to make and save a wishlist, and facilitate fast and easy checkout.

first name*
last name*
confirm email*
confirm password*
Address (additional)
Postcode/Zip Code
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How much do we need to know?

Our database is 128-bit encrypted, and we do not give out your personal details to any third party. Period.

Credit card details are not stored on our site. Orders are facilitated via a secure, industry-standard payment gateway.

The information you enter here is required to facilitate your order, and also allows you to create and save a wishlist, check your order history and status anytime, download products anytime, and have your details ready for your next visit.

To enable all this, we require at minimum your name, email, password and country (to assess possible tax).

Address? If you are ordering CDs requiring postage, you will want to add your postal address. Kind of necessary.

Telephone? We run a personal business, and there are times when picking up the phone to clarify an issue is the most straightforward way to get things sorted. And we enjoy speaking to our customers. But it is up to you.