Running Time:
75 min
Release Date:
June 2012
Recording Location:
Drevdagan, Sweden.
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Taiga - Europe's Boreal Wilderness
Taiga - the great forests of the far north, the most extensive habitat on earth.
Here the landscape is vast; a mosaic of conifer forest and sodden peatbogs, threaded with streams and lakes.
As the blue light of a midsummer dawn silhouettes the landscape, Tree Pipits and Willow Warblers sing melodiously from song perches atop tall conifers. Bramblings and small parties of Siskins flit overhead, filling the air with their delicate calls.
Across open ground drift the eerie calls of whimbrels and the sharp piping of a greenshank. Snipe display in flight, and ducks splash-land on open water.
As wind stirs the treetops, a lone redstart sings, its intricate trills fragile against the elements.
Sarah comments:
"We made these recordings on the high plains of the Scandinavian upland. Based at a small hut on the edge of a vast wilderness area, each day we would set out at midnight to walk into this area to record and photograph. Despite being midsummer, the air was cool and snow seemed an ever-present possibility.
It was a place of elemental beauty - a landscape animated by wind and birdsong and the flow of water. Silence was also a presence; distant moose grazing, a rare Siberian Jay perched overhead or a beaver gliding silently upstream.
Sounds drifted from far off in the still air, and in this recording you can hear the immensity of the northern wilderness."
Andrew and Sarah take you track by track through this album.
Audio sample of this album
1. |
Tree Pipit and Willow Warbler Sing in the Midsummer Dawn Twilight |
13.56 |
2. |
Edge of the Peatmarsh |
13.04 |
3. |
Snipe Display Flight |
2.04 |
4. |
Siskins, Bramblings and Fieldfares |
24.17 |
5. |
Cries of Whimbrels |
16.28 |
6. |
A Redstart in the Wind |
5.54 |
Redstart song heard on the Scandianavian Taiga
This last week, Sarah and I have spent at the small village of Drevdagen, in the highlands near the Norwegian border. The upland taiga of Sweden is so beautiful - wild and desolate, yet deli...
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