Running Time:

64 min

Release Date:

September 2001

Recording Location:

Track 1: Sundown NP, SE Qld
Track 2: Mootwingee NP, western NSW
Track 3-7: Warby Ranges, NE Vic
Track 8: Weetootla Gorge, Flinders Ranges, SA
Track 9: Oodnadatta Track SA
Track 10: Hattah Kulkyne National Park Vic
Track 11: Todd River, east of Alice Springs, NT
Track 12-14: Oodnadatta Track SA
Track 15-16: Nourlangie Rock, Kakadu NP, NT
Track 17-18: Yuragir NP, NE NSW
Track 19: near Bowen, central Qld
Track 20: near Eden, SE NSW
Track 21: Eungella NP, central Qld
Track 22: Myrtle Gully, near Healesville, Vic
Track 23-24: Hull River, near Mission Beach, far-north Qld
Track 25-26: Weetootla Gorge, Flinders Ranges, SA
Track 27: Little Desert, Vic

Favourite Australian Birdsong

Australia is a land of beautiful and unique birdsong.

From the familiar voices of bush and garden, to the secret song of the redthroat; from a magical chorus of tawny-crowned honeyeaters, to a forest ringing with bellbirds - This album is a journey around the continent, and a personal selection of our favourite songbirds.

Andrew comments:

"We created this album to present what we feel are some of the most aesthetically beautiful and evocative songbirds in Australia. Some are well known and loved;  thrushes, magpies, kookaburras, lyrebird, whistlers, fairy-wrens... Others have been a complete surprise to us, and probably to you too: the delicate, piping songflights of pied honeyeaters, the metallic twang of spangled drongos, the 'falling leaf' song of gerygones, and that ethereal chorus of tawny-crowns.

Grouped by landscape and habitat, the soundscapes on this album will bring you the  beauty of Australian birdsong.

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